These days the true friendship became rare. I look for friends, but I still have only two.
Last few days, I did many mistakes with them, but they understood my case 'cause I wasn't normal for 3 weeks. Here I got sure that they are true friends, because if they wasn't there will never forgive me.
During a journey to the forest of alsunnut, I knew more things about friendship in Sudan. I discovered that most of the nearest persons are cheating you!!
Thier speech is good in front of you, but when you turn your bake they rotate their speech 180 degrees.
I collected all of our friends and asked them to speak frankly, and finish all of our problems.
But they escaped from the conference quietly and refuse to talk!!
Two days later, they talk about me, they said "Muhanned wants to make problems between us, he is a liar, he wants to split us ...etc"
I ignored them and keep silent to hold my relation on, but I don't like this way in living. I like to hear opinions of others about me directly from them to try to fix the problems. I just want everybody to tell me about my disadvantages on my face - not to tell other about it-.
Now I'll ask my two real friends about my disadvantages, because their opinions are enough to make me a good man...
What about your opinions?
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